Support through every stage of your career

In the fast-paced world of medicine, professional development can mean the difference between staying on top . . . or being left behind. Upskilling yourself – with the skills that matter – paves the way to a future-proof career – allowing continual adaptation in an ever-changing vocation.

To upskill you in Communication, Culture, & Collaboration, MDA National is proud to present our own tailor-made education workshops – providing everything you need for professional growth and personal development. The best part? The series is complimentary for Members.

Collaboration, Culture & Communication – The 3 C’s of Professional Development

During a typical hospital admission, patients will interact with numerous healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and technicians. Consequently, effective communication and collaboration between healthcare professionals are essential to patient safety and quality of care.1

A collaborative culture is one where healthcare professionals communicate – working together to share problem-solving and decision-making responsibilities in partnership with patients and families.Communication, Culture & Collaboration walk hand in hand and are integral to effective clinical governance. But how can we upskill in these areas?

Cultivating a positive team culture

Cultivate positive team culture

Getting a team working well together is one of the hardest things to do and each medical team faces unique challenges. This virtual workshop is an opportunity to develop your skills for maintaining successful working relationships to benefit patient care; explore what you can do to encourage positive engagement in your team; recognise and understand the impact of disruptive behaviour; and discover how to respond appropriately to disruptive behaviour.

Date Time Register
Wed 12 Mar 2025

5.30pm–7.00pm AWST

7.30pm–9.00pm AEST

8.30pm–10.00pm AEDT


Communicating for success

Communication for success

Effective communication within a team is vital in healthcare for delivering quality and safe patient care and reducing the risk of medico-legal claims and complaints. Further develop your communication skills for working in a team with this online workshop. It is an opportunity to discover why good communication between health professionals is essential; the various ways you can communicate with colleagues; and appropriate methods and techniques for receiving and delivering constructive feedback.

Date Time Register
Thu 16 Apr 2025

4.30pm–6.00pm AWST

6.30pm–8.00pm AEST

7.30pm–9.00pm AEDT

Collaboration in action

Interprofessional and collaborative practice is recognised internationally as important for patient-centred, safe, effective, and efficient medical care. This virtual workshop is an opportunity to explore ways to build a collaborative team environment; practise negotiation skills to resolve team conflict; and gain confidence in managing a difficult conversation with a colleague.

Date Time Register
TBA TBA Coming soon

  1. Morley, L., et al. (2017). Collaboration in health care. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 48(2), 207-216.


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