MDA National shares a common vision to safeguard our future and is committed to our purpose to support and protect our Members and promote good medical practice.

We believe that this leads to a healthier future for our Members, their patients and our staff. We will achieve this through a values driven culture and by acting on our responsibilities. 

Our approach to corporate social responsibility is based around the following three principles:

1. Commitment to our Environment and Community 

We are committed to operate in a sustainable manner to safeguard our future. To help us achieve this we have in place appropriate policies and practices that guide us to act in an economically sustainable, environmentally sound and socially responsible way.

Responsible investing

  • We will actively review the investment portfolios’ alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and will monitor our portfolios for any significant risk of misalignment against SDG and take necessary steps to manage those risks.  
  • We will not knowingly invest in companies that are partially or wholly involved in the manufacture of controversial weapons (cluster munitions or landmines) or tobacco products.
  • We aim to invest in companies that provide solutions to sustainability challenges, such as environmental concerns and public health.

Operating ‘green’

  • We have a ‘go green’ focus through all of our offices with a commitment to using biodegradable products, adoption of a paper lite workplace (reduced printing through the use of automated business processes). We lead with digital first and support with printed collateral only on need (and in small batches).
  • E Waste: MDAN’s old laptops, phones and other IT devices are recycled or repurposed in an environmentally sustainable way through a registered e-Waste recycling business.
  • Ethical Sourcing: We are sourcing all our promotional branded merchandise and requirements from a fully accredited and certified providers who are committed to ethical sourcing, anti-bribery and third-party access. We only partner with suppliers who embody our social compliance and requirements and meet with globally accepted sourcing standards such as WCA/BSCI/ SMETA.
  • We commit to carbon offset flights for any employee travel  by end of 2024

2. Commitment to our People and our Members – Diversity and inclusivity

Our commitment to our members is expressed in our mission statement:

MDA National’s purpose to support and protect our Members and promote good medical practice.

We’re committed to creating an inclusive and diverse business for the benefit of our Members, employees and the communities in which we live and work. We provide an inclusive, supportive, safe and respectful work environment for all of our employees. We encourage continuous learning and development to ensure that our employees have the skills to support our broad and diverse membership base.

We believe in the highest standard of equal work opportunities for all and maintain a focus on diversity, employee satisfaction, safety, health and wellbeing and remuneration. 

Supporting equal opportunity and diversity in medicine 

MDA National remains committed to providing support via sponsorship to groups working towards equal opportunity in medicine, such as:

  • Woman in Medicine
    • Support of WiM activities such as AMA Queensland’s WiM breakfast and  Rural Doctors Association Australia WiM special interest group.
  • Indigenous health
    • Full sponsorship of the RDAA Rural Health Bursary to assist an Indigenous junior doctor on their pathway into rural health

In addition, MDA National is committed to ensuring that our advisory committee’s are a representation of a diverse range of medical practitioners from different specialties, career stages and backgrounds.


3. Commitment to Health & wellbeing

We are strongly committed to investing in education and sponsored activities that promote good medical practice, creating a safer environment for the communities that our Members serve.

Through our advisory networks and medico-legal divisions, we remain connected to issues and risks within medical practice and respond accordingly, providing expert education and resources to support our Members.

We care for the health and wellbeing of our Members and provide support in this area through various activities such as our Keep On Caring program and advocacy programs via our alliances with multiple state medical associations and colleges.

We have, and continue to, sponsor events in support of doctors' mental health such as Crazy Socks for Docs and Fairy Floss Friday. In addition, under our ‘Live Well, Work Well’ program, we have run retreats for junior doctors providing them with the support and tools to manage their own mental health and wellbeing.